Our highly skilled nurses work hard to provide the best quality care. Their skills are only half the picture. We do our best to ensure each nurse is a gentle and caring person, with genuine concern for each resident.
The following skilled nursing services are available at El Reno Post-Acute Rehabilitation Center:
Registered or Licensed nurses 24 hours/day
Director of Nursing oversees all aspects of healthcare within the facility
Individualized resident care plan treatments
Post surgical care
IV hydration and therapy
Respite stays
Enteral and total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
Trach/Stoma Care
Off-site dialysis
Nutrition & hydration programs
Medication management & education
Diabetic management & education
Restorative nursing
Pain management
Palliative care program
Bowel & bladder programs
Psychologist Consultant
Audiology Services
Registered dietitian
Laboratory testing and X-rays
Transportation services
Diabetes Management
Our experienced nurses provide help with all aspects of managing diabetes including:
Blood glucose monitoring
Insulin administration and tracking
Exercise planning
Menu planning, education, and more
Restorative Nursing Program
At El Reno Post-Acute Rehabilitation Center we seek to maximize the quality of life for our long-term care population, who require a specialized restorative program. This service is, of course, included in the room and board fee.
Our therapy team and nursing staff develop individualized treatment plans for resident care in the areas of:
Range of motion
Activities of daily living
Positioning and alignment
Skin integrity and wound management
Contracture management
Bowel and bladder training
Rehabilitative and social dining
Strengthening and restraint reduction
Weekly and monthly height and weight monitoring
Dietary Program
Our dietary program is designed to meet the dietary and physician-ordered needs of each resident in our care.
To ensure that each resident is receiving the proper nutritional needs we offer:
Meals to meet specific dietary and therapeutic needs, according to physician orders
Oral supplemental, as prescribed by each physician
Regular nutritional assessments from our registered dietitian